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Family Newsletter- 3.17.23

Harwood Families -

I don’t know if the Harwood auditorium has ever seen such a packed house! Last night’s 4-12th grade Choral night was an incredible success thanks to the amazing efforts of our talented choral teacher Molly Clark. Over 200 students graced the stage and entertained the crowd.

While it doesn’t look very Spring like outside yet Spring sports season registration is open! Click here to register.



  • 03/20 - 3/23 - High School Winter Carnival

  • 03/20 - 4/21 - Spring MAP testing grades 7-10

  • 03/24 - No School

  • 03/31 - End of Quarter 3

  • 04/06 - 04/08 - 7:30 - 9:30 pm Sound of Music Performances

  • 04/13 & 4/19 - Family/TA Conferences

Next Week’s Schedule: Because next week is a four-day week, the schedule will be gold-black-gold-black.


Safe - seen, heard, respected & understood:



Student Support Services

​After School Detentions: Tuesday/Wednesday 3:30-4:40pm

  • Will continue through the end of the school year

Health Office Updates

From UVM College of Medicine Students

Hello Harwood families! We are two first-year medical students at UVM reaching out on behalf of the American Heart Association and the UVM College of Medicine to ask for your opinions on the implementation of a sugary beverage excise tax in the state of Vermont. This survey will take less than 5 minutes to fill out and will influence policy decisions in the Vermont state legislature. Any feedback or questions you have can be directed to or Thank you for your participation! - Avery and Ru

Survey Link:

Rigorous & Robust Academic Program:



Harwood will be hosting the SATs on Saturday, May 6th.

Students can register for the SAT on the College Board website. The registration deadline is April 7.

Contact your student’s school counselor with questions

MAP Testing

​The spring window for MAP testing begins next week for all students in grades 7-10. Over the next few weeks, students will take the reading and math MAP tests in their math and English classes.

MAP stands for Measure of Academic Progress. These tests are given in the fall and spring (and sometimes winter), and the results are used internally to help us identify students who may benefit from additional support in specific skills, as well as identify possible gaps across groups of students that could be addressed through learning in classes. While we don’t want students to stress over these tests (the results do not affect their course scores, and are not reported externally at all), we do want them to take them seriously so that we can have an accurate picture of their skills as individuals, and where we are at as a school and district.

After MAP testing is complete, students will see their results and reflect on them in their English and math classes. Here is an example of what they will see.

College Fair

Consider Canada College Fair

Join 13 Canadian Universities representing Canada coast-to-coast to learn more about studying at the undergraduate level in Canada.

Sunday April 30, 2023 South Burlington High School 3:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. 550 Dorset St, South Burlington, VT

Monday May 1, 2023 Hanover High School 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. 41 Lebanon St, Hanover NH

VSAC College & Career Pathways on Saturday, March 18th

Join VSAC for this free college and career planning event on Saturday, March 18! Families can participate in-person at UVM or online via Zoom. You can find out more and register at

Workshops offered include:

  • Strategies for the SAT/ACT

  • I Wish I Knew That! Programs to Pursue Before You Graduate

  • Exploring Career and Education Pathways with MyFutureVT

  • Supporting Your Teen’s Career Search

  • Vermont Career Outlook

  • College Options for Students with Developmental Disabilities and Autism

Positive school climate and culture:



High School

Winter Carnival

Student government is hosting the first ever Harwood Winter Carnival next week (March 20-23)! The events will take place during ELO throughout all 4 days (1 ELO block each day). Below is the list of activities and themes by day:


Snow Volleyball

Jersey Day


Snow Bowling

Ski/Board Day



Holiday (dress up as any holiday)


Staff/student basketball game

PJ Day

*In italics are the themes for each day of the week

Students will be able to sign up for activities in ELO throughout the week.

Dressing up, as well as the outcomes of the activities will be awarded with Spirit Points, so make sure to participate! This is all leading up to Spirit Week! We can’t wait for next week! Get ready for some Winter Carnival fun!

Host Families Wanted!

​Greetings from PH International* in Waitsfield, VT!

This spring, PH International will be bringing a group of 12 Burmese students and adults to the United States

through a six-week environmental sustainability program called the Myanmar Youth Leadership Program (MYLP). The participants will include: 10 youth participants ages 16-19 (6 female, 4 male) and 2 adults (1 female, 1 male).

We are currently seeking host families for the Vermont-based portion of this program. The tentative hosting dates would be from the evening of May 8, 2023 through the morning of May 28, 2023 (roughly three weeks). The hosting commitment can be for part of this 3-week time or for the whole 3 weeks. All participants will speak English proficiently and will be fully COVID vaccinated prior to their arrival in the United States. Please note that it will also be a requirement for host families to be fully vaccinated if they wish to be considered for hosting.

Please let me know if hosting for all or part of these hosting dates may be of interest to you. We have a mix of girls and boys so please feel free to let me know if you have a preference. Please reach out if you have any questions to . I look forward to hearing from you. If you are new to hosting for PH, please consider checking out the Frequently Asked Questions on our website (

All the best,

Tracy Guion

*PH International is based in the Mad River Valley and works on a number of different programs that are funded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

HUUSD Social Emotional Learning Task Force

​Hello again from the HUUSD Social Emotional Learning Task Force.

This February our district has been focusing on the theme of Goal Directed Behavior. Last month we learned a bit about Relationship Skills, this month we are learning about the action of setting and achieving goals.

Fall seven times. Stand up eight. - Chinese Proverb

Being able to set and achieve goals is a valuable life skill. Everything that goes into setting and achieving goals (having a clear, specific vision of what we want to learn or accomplish; having a plan that we can actually carry out, if we stay motivated, tracking and measuring our progress along the way; and creating a timeline for reaching our goal so that we are reminded to stay on track) help to prepare us for work life, for higher education, and for contributing to our families and communities in ways that are meaningful for us.

When we think about setting goals, we often think of the beginning of something - a New Years Resolution, the beginning of a new job or project, even the beginning of a new week. Our students often set goals at the beginning of the school year. Perhaps it’s something they want to accomplish, do or improve in second grade. As caregivers, we also set goals for our students, “This year I would like my child to…”.

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." –Les Brown

Helping students reflect on their motivations is very important because not all young people can distinguish among a hope, a dream, and a goal. The differences can be defined as follows:

  • A hope is something within a person’s grasp to achieve or experience—something they can reach with effort and support.

  • A dream is a big, audacious outcome that might take years to achieve, like becoming a professional athlete.

  • A goal is a hope with a plan that is directed toward the overarching dream of the student.

Whoever wants to reach a distant goal must take small steps. Saul Bellow

In the working paper “Understanding Motivation: Building the Brain Architecture That Supports Learning, Health, and Community Participation” (2018), the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child states, “Kids are motivated to work toward achievable goals.” This is why it’s important for teachers and caregivers to help students take the big, audacious dream and identify smaller steps that a child of that age can realistically reach for.

A Few Tips for Helping Students Set Goals (from “The Importance of Setting Purposeful Goals With Students” by Christine Lewis, Sept. 2022)

  • Guiding the process without inserting our own adult expectations allows students to envision authentic pathways toward their own desires and plants the seeds of belief in their ability to reach their dreams, which is so important for resilience.

  • Taking time to allow these personal motivations to take shape in the minds and hearts of our students ensures that they begin to take ownership of them.

  • Scaffolding students to creatively record their hopes, dreams, and goals in writing (or pictures for our younger students) increases their usefulness as anchors for effort, decision-making, focus, and self-control across the school year.

  • More excellent tips can be found in “Setting Goals, Hopes, and Dreams: Connecting Students to the Community.”

This time of the school year is a great time to pause, take stock of where your student is in meeting those goals, make revisions or even set new goals.

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. - Confucius


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