Harwood Union
Middle & High
Our Mission
"It is the mission of Harwood Union High School to provide an educational and creative environment in which every person is valued as an individual, challenged as a learner, inspired to contribute to a democratic society,
and provided a unique and personalized learning experience.”
STEM - Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics
STEM is an approach to learning where students utilize skills acquired across disciplines to understand phenomena and solve problems. The general structure of these courses is the acquisition of content knowledge to help solve a real-world, community driven problems following a design process. These courses are challenging and rigorous, and prepare students for post-secondary education and employment.
STEM offers students opportunities to explore problem solving and design through a variety of experiences ranging from Robotics to Aerospace Technology. Although each experience has unique content, all are connected through a design process that requires integrative thinking.
Students in STEM courses will be provided opportunities to develop skills and dispositions listed below that are applicable in current and future situations.
Apply a structured approach to solving problems including: defining a problem, brainstorming, researching and generating ideas, identifying criteria and constraints, exploring possibilities, making a model or prototype, evaluating the design using specifications, and communicating results.
Ask questions and make observations to help figure out how things work.
Learn that all products and systems are subject to failure and that many products and systems can be fixed.
Troubleshoot as a way of finding out why something does not work so that it can be fixed.
Analyze and break down complex systems into their component parts and explain the relationship and interdependency of the part and the system.
Apply their knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to define, analyze, and solve problems
Apply contemporary engineering tools in the application of science, mathematics and technology to define analyze, model and prototype solutions to problems.
Analyze a device and explain the principles of math and science used in the design.
Use a logical process for inquiry, solving practical problems, critical thinking, and innovation.
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