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Senior and Parent Graduation Information

Good Afternoon,

This message contains important information regarding graduation, specifically some of the expectations of attending and parking for the ceremony. Additional detailed information will be shared by Monday, June 8 as we continue to solidify our graduation plans. 

I know that this is not the graduation ceremony we were all expecting to have as the Class of 2020 began their senior year this Fall. It is also not the ceremony we thought we would be planning just two months ago, which we believed would be a virtual event. As the plans continue to evolve, we are pleased we are able to hold an in-person ceremony, with some changes and restrictions, yet offering some of the same HU traditions.

It is important that this goes well for a number of reasons, but most importantly for us to be able to honor and celebrate our graduating seniors.  I will need all of us to follow the guidelines and adhere to the restrictions as much as we may not like or agree with them. Some of the restrictions have changed since our initial planning and we have adjusted, but with others we just can not pivot our plans that quickly. We continue to collaborate with the student senior class council, the senior teacher advisors, HU facilities and technology departments, administration and numerous community partners to implement our graduation ceremony for the Class of 2020. 

Important clarifying details regarding parking area and access:

  • Parking for graduation will be on the front field and will be accessible beginning at 8:00am and parking will be on a first come, first serve basis.

  • Campers, RV’s, Winnebagos and Limousines will not be allowed to park on the front field. Please do not plan to attend graduation in these types of vehicles.

  • Anyone arriving in a pick up truck will be expected to stay in the truck cab and not sit outside in the truck bed.

  • Vehicles will be parked using social distancing

  • Guests will be expected to stay in their vehicles, graduates will exit the vehicles as the program requires and when called to do so.

  • There will be port-o-lets available at the back of the front field in both corners.The school will not be open for public access. Please use social distancing and wear masks when accessing them.  

I look forward to celebrating the accomplishments and successes of our seniors at the Harwood Graduation on Saturday, June 20 at 9:00am. Please let me know if you have any questions. Stay safe and be well.

Lisa Atwood




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