SUBJECT: HUUSD School Board Meeting Update - January 16, 2019.
Dear members of our six town community,
Below please find the votes and key agenda items from the HUUSD board meeting on January 16, 2019.
1. Approved the following items as part of the consent agenda for December 19, 2018: Approve 12/19/2018 meeting minutes; Accept board warrants totaling $708,085.77, approve board buddies for student representatives, authorize reporting in one segment for grade for grades 7-12, confirm announced FY 2020 tuition rate, approve Winooski Valley High School Choice agreement.
2. Engaged in in-depth discussion about HUUSD budget.
3. Moved to ask HUUSD administration to provide specific STEM amounts for CBMS and HUMS, so BOD will have details on time students spend in STEM classes at CMBS and HUMS, respectively.
4. Moved to accept EPC committee’s recommendation to direct HUUSD administration to determine if CBMS can “house” all 7/8 graders, as well as W/D 5th and 6th graders. Accepted the recommendation with an amendment to ask the superintendent to put initial calculations of what the administration already knows in writing to help the EPC determine next steps. BOD also directed EPC to determine list of variables to consider in determining operational expenses and/or cost savings.
Our next HUUSD board meeting is scheduled for 7:00 pm on Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019 at the HUHS library.
Please note this meeting follows our recently adopted HUUSD board agenda format, with the first hour spent with committees meeting individually from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. The full board will come back together at 7:00 pm.
Please visit for board packets, agendas, and minutes - and to find the link to watch board meetings. The direct link to watch this and past meetings is:
Thank you for your continued support and engagement.
The HUUSD Board