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Family Newsletter 6.11.21

Harwood Families -

Thank you for your patience, kindness, partnership and understanding during this school year. Throughout the year we have been humbled by your children’s resilience and incredible ability to pivot with grace.

This week - the joy of Spirit week, Transition day, Senior Awards night, Mt. Day, tonight’s Boy’s lacrosse Championship and tomorrow’s graduation were, are and will be beautiful. While we have learned much this year we are excited to return next Fall to 5 days of in person learning without masks and the ability to come together again as a full community.

With deep gratitude and in continued partnership,

Laurie, Duane and Meg



2020-2021 End of Year Grade reports:

  • Final grades will be updated in powerschool and send home on Tuesday 6/17/21

2020-2021 NEW bus & SCHOOL day schedule

HUUSD is pleased to announce that beginning fall 2021, we will be running new, improved bus routes. Taking advantage of opportunities afforded by being one district, we are able to run consolidated routes that will shorten student time on buses, separate elementary school students from traveling with middle and high school students and reduce or eliminate the long wait times some of our students have at the beginning or end of the school day. We believe these new routes will ease congestion and support increased ridership.

Improvements achieved through the new routes:

  • Wait times at all schools are reduced to an anticipated maximum of 10 minutes for students arriving before school starts, or waiting to get on a bus after school is dismissed.

  • Separates middle and high school students from elementary students on buses.

  • Ensures all students arrive at school before school officially begins.

  • Allows for a slightly later start for our older students while maintaining the earlier arrival for younger students, supporting parents/guardians getting to work.

  • Keeps school day length relatively consistent across the HUUSD.

  • Adds intradistrict choice transportation to CBMS from the Valley.

  • Reduces time on buses for ALL students.

  • Continues transportation for students attending the technical center.


FES 7:20 2:20 7 hrs

MES 7:30 2:30 7 hrs

TBPS 7:30 2:30 7 hrs

WES 7:30 2:30 7 hrs

WRN 7:30 2:30 7 hrs

CBMS 8:30 /8:37 3:20/ 3:27 6:50

HUMS/HS 8:30 /8:37 3:20/ 3:27 6:50

Look for detailed bus routes to be shared in the near future.



  • August 26th - 7th/9th grade FIRST DAY - to support our new Harwood students we will have a day for them to get to know the building and run their schedule without the rest of their peers in the building.

  • August 27th - FIRST DAY for all Harwood students 7-12



2021 Summer Swim Team

Our mission is to create a fun, safe and caring environment for swimmers, to improve their swimming technique, build friendships, set goals to better their own time records, persevere to qualify for State Championships, break records & compete against the clock and peers.

Practices Waterbury Town Pool June 21 - August 13 Tuesday & Thursday 9 & 10 year olds 5:15-6:00 OR 6:10-6:55 Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 11 and over 5:15-6:00 13 and over 6:10-6:55 End of season Award Picnic & Pool Party TBD

Swim Meets Waterbury Town Pool TBD Upper Valley Aquatic Center White River Jct Vermont Swim Association Championships August 7th and 8th

Important Details Registration Online & the first week of practice Required: registration form, Town Pool Membership, volunteer sign up, and fee (check)(bring to first practice) $60 or $100 for more than 1 swimmer Questions: More Info: Town Pool Membership Required Purchase online or at the town office (not at the pool!) Family or swim team swimmer only options Must be a member the first week of practice.

Family Volunteers

  • Our team is run and organized by family volunteers.

  • Swim Board Member that supports planning and organizing.

  • Sign up for a volunteer position for check-ins and organization.

  • Managing the website.

  • If we are able to have meets, we will need adults to help organize and run.


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