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Updated: Jan 30

Dear Parent/Guardian:

As in previous years, our school board has chosen to participate in the Winooski Valley Regional Public School Choice Collaborative for 2024-2025. Through this program and the state school choice program, students may apply to go to any public high school in Vermont at no cost.

The Vermont Legislature passed a law in May 2012 (Act 129, Sec. 34. § 822d 2A) which allows high school students to apply through school choice to any public high school in Vermont. This law sets rules for school districts regarding the number of entering and exiting student slots allowed through school choice. Students are chosen by lottery from all the applicants for each school district based on the number of open slots. You may view school choice information at the Vermont Agency of Education website,

If your student is interested in attending a high school outside of the Harwood Unified Union School District next year, please do the following no later than February 29, 2024:

  • Download and complete the school choice application form located on the Harwood Union Middle High School website HERE.  

  • Email your completed form, using the subject “School Choice Application” to Jennifer Shaub at no later than February 29, 2024.  

Students are selected using a LOTTERY SYSTEM.  You will be informed of the outcome of the lottery by April 1, 2024. You must confirm whether your student will accept or decline the placement by April 15, 2024 by emailing Jennifer Shaub at If you do not confirm placement by this date your slot may be given to another student if the school has a waiting list.

*Parents are responsible for providing their student’s transportation if they are


If you have any questions, please contact the HUHS registrar, Jennifer Shaub at or 802-583-8180.



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