Harwood Union
Middle & High
Our Mission
"It is the mission of Harwood Union High School to provide an educational and creative environment in which every person is valued as an individual, challenged as a learner, inspired to contribute to a democratic society,
and provided a unique and personalized learning experience.”
We know that EVERYONE can be smart and succeed in mathematics. The goal of the Harwood math department is to develop student reasoning skills and problem solving capabilities. We teach using The Best Practices model for mathematics. ​The Best Practices philosophy stresses the importance of student discourse about mathematics.
Students will be introduced to cognitively demanding tasks and engage in the Math Habits of Mind and Math Habits of Interaction. The habits of mind are based around the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practices. Discourse between students is structured in order to have students talk in the manner of professional mathematicians. Below are descriptions of the Habits of Mind and Habits of Interaction that we teach our students to embody.
Students are required to take Integrated Math I, II and III and are encouraged to take additional elective courses to broaden their math understanding. Through these courses, students will explore a variety of topics in algebra, geometry, statistics & probability. Students will be assessed on the Learning Expectations of Communication, Integrative Thinking, Problem Solving, and Self-Direction. Additional details about course topics and performance indicators can be found in course syllabi.
Below is a flow chart outlining the math courses and different flexible pathways students can take to achieve their mathematics graduation requirements. Additional detail about courses can be found in the program of studies.
Email is the preferred method of contact for all of the math teachers.

Department Contacts

High School Math

High School Math

Middle School Math

Middle School Math

High School Math

High School Math

High School Math